Welcome to my blog.

I’m Meriza Rose, an aspiring writer. I wore many hats in my previous life – a wife, a mother and a tech entrepreneur. After finding out that I suffer from a congenital heart condition and not knowing when my journey in life would end, I decided to pursue my life-long passion in writing and telling stories.

My life has been an adventurous one – I’ve travelled to far flung places, met an eclectic mix of people and dabbled in one thousand and one ventures. Telling stories is a passion that has stayed true to my heart, and in the course of meeting people, I realised the truth of what Marcus Aurelius once said, “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.”

Nothing is truly certain in life, and our time on Earth can be short, therefore I have learnt to take it one day at a time. I am fortunate to be surrounded by people I love and truly love me; in my toughest moments they have cheered me on and encouraged me to not give up in pursuing my dreams.

This blog tells stories as I ponder and give meaning to my experiences. I’ve cried buckets of tears when almost everything I had was taken away from me, but I have continued soldering on to build a life of meaning and purpose. What I’ve found out in my new journey is that old dogs can learn new tricks, you’re not nearly ugly enough to not find love, and it’s never too late to start again.

Words have the power to heal and the best stories are often the most understood. Each and every one of us are connected through shared humanity, thus I hope my words can give comfort to you and enlighten you. Carry on reading my stories; cry if you want, squeal in delight if you can and laugh heartily without a care in the world.
