A Place of a Writer Getting Inspired
I don’t know what is it about café’s that makes my mind fired up with ideas, inspired and extend to the far reaches of my creativity. Not that it’s entirely quiet; concentrating with the chatter, music and the whirring of the coffee grinder or espresso machine in the background, can be rather distracting if one is used to the stillness of let’s say, a library. But I do need distraction. As my eyes moves through the string of words that make a comprehensible sentence, after awhile my concentration just diverted and those words are simply lost. So, yes, a bout of the sudden excitement that bursts out of someone’s conversation, or a hearty laugh out of nowhere, or when suddenly, the waiter or waitress, comes to my table to wipe off the melted ice from a condensed glass of iced latte, does provide that needed deflection as a sign that I should pause and meditate. When my mind has rested, it’s time to get back to reading and writing in full vigour.
If you are somewhere around the café I post above, do come over table 15 and say Hi! Perhaps we’ll compare notes on writing, or simply to share a conversation about the weather, or the news, books read, trips, food, buildings, art work or what have you.
Otherwise, if you don’t recognise that café, or by some mismatched time alignment that when you’re there and I’m not, do send me an email.
meriza dot rose33 at gmail dot com
I’ll update this blog twice monthly at the end of every fortnight; means 15th and 30th of the month. If you would like to subscribe to my posts, send me an email and I’ll add you to my mailing list.